ideas for custom-built pools

ideas for custom-built pools

  • Maintaining Your New Swimming Pool

    If you are in the process of installing a brand-new swimming pool in your yard, you are most likely anticipating this coming summer when you will be able to use it. New pool owners are often taken aback by how much maintenance is needed to keep a swimming pool in the best of conditions. There are several steps that need to be done to keep the water safe and your pool from deteriorating.

  • How To Prepare Your Swimming Pool For Cold Weather

    If you own a swimming pool, it is very important to protect it from being damaged during the winter. If you have not prepared your pool for cold weather, it may be destroyed beyond repair. However, with a few easy steps your pool can survive even the coldest of winters so that it remains in excellent working condition for many years. These are some tips for getting your pool ready for winter.

  • Repairing Cracks In Your Swimming Pool

    Over time, swimming pools can sustain cracks that can become more serious if they're left unattended. Whether you have a fiberglass, concrete, plaster, or vinyl pool, most cracks can be repaired yourself if you have the correct tools and materials. Here is a guide to help you make some simple crack repairs on your pool. Concrete For concrete pools, cut the crack out a bit deeper and longer than what it currently is using a saw with a diamond blade or a concrete grinder.

  • 3 Ways To Rock Your Pool On Any Budget

    Are you looking to makeover your swimming pool? Whether your budget is large or small, using rocks in the pool remodel can add a lot of bang for your buck. Here are 3 ways to use rocks to give a facelift to any pool, large or small. Add a Waterfall A water feature turns your boring pool into a work of art any time of day. Fake rock on the side of the pool makes an easy way to add a soothing waterfall in what looks like a natural setting.

  • Pool Heaters: Which One Do You Need To Heat Your Pool?

    For many that own a swimming pool, it can be devastating to be unable to use it once the weather starts cooling off. While you may not want to use it in the dead middle of winter, there are several months before and after the hot weather that you could utilize it. If this is something that you would like to do with your backyard swimming pool, you'll just need a pool heater in order to extend your swimming season.

  • About Me

    ideas for custom-built pools

    The only thing that was missing from the home that my husband and I bought was a swimming pool. I knew that I wanted one before we sold our last house and purchased the new one. Not having a pool wasn't enough to keep me from buying the new house because I knew I could customize a pool to be installed. If you are considering having a custom-built pool installed on your property, this blog can give you some ideas that will help you create a wonderful setting for you, your family and all of your friends to enjoy.