ideas for custom-built pools

ideas for custom-built pools

  • 3 Reasons To Spring For A Hot Tub This Fall

    With the cooler weather upon us, many people are looking for ways to warm up this fall. One popular way to enjoy the outdoors during the cooler months is by soaking in a hot tub. Hot tubs can be enjoyed year-round, but they are especially nice in the fall and winter.  If you want a water feature that affords you many benefits, a hot tub is a great choice. Here are 3 reasons why you should spring for a hot tub this fall!

  • Can I Upgrade The Swimming Pool Of My Rental Property?

    If you rent a property that comes with a swimming pool, you might assume that any repairs made to the swimming pool are the responsibility of the owner of the pool. However, certain types of repairs might actually be considered to be "non-structural" and any repairs would be your responsibility. Fortunately, if you need to have non-structural repairs made, you do not necessarily have to perform these repairs yourself because you can hire a non-structural pool contractor to perform the repairs for you.

  • Are You New To Pool Care? 3 Reasons To Use Winter Safety Pool Covers In The Warmer Months

    Swimming pool care isn't something that many homeowners have experience with when they first purchase a home. While you can look forward to countless opportunities to enjoy backyard recreation with your family and friends, you might feel overwhelmed by all that goes into keeping your home's pool running smoothly. During the winter, you or the previous homeowner might have decided to cover the pool. Now, you may be wondering if you still need to worry about a cover as the weather grows warm.

  • Upgrading Your Property By Installing A New Pool

    When you are adding a new swimming pool to your property, you will be faced with a number of different options. One of the most important will be the materials that are used in the construction of the pool. Fiberglass is a popular material due to a combination of its affordability and other advantages. Extremely Fast Installation For The Pool The speed of the pool installation is always a consideration to review when preparing to make this change to the property.

  • Upgrading Your Property With a New Swimming Pool

    As you are preparing to install a new swimming pool on your property, there are many assumptions that you should avoid making. Otherwise, you could find it far more difficult to effectively handle this upgrade to the property. Assumption: Concrete Is the Only Material to Use When Building Inground Pools Inground pools can be more aesthetically pleasing, and they are less prone to certain types of damage. These particular benefits can make them a common choice for many homeowners.

  • About Me

    ideas for custom-built pools

    The only thing that was missing from the home that my husband and I bought was a swimming pool. I knew that I wanted one before we sold our last house and purchased the new one. Not having a pool wasn't enough to keep me from buying the new house because I knew I could customize a pool to be installed. If you are considering having a custom-built pool installed on your property, this blog can give you some ideas that will help you create a wonderful setting for you, your family and all of your friends to enjoy.